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Our Coffee

That's something that annoys the hell out of me - I mean if someone says the coffee's all ready and it isn't.

- From 'The Catcher in the Rye' by J D Salinger

We don't just like coffee, we love coffee and we're on a never ending quest to find the perfect cup.


Great coffee doesn't just happen, there's an art to getting it just right and the ritual of preparing your cup is an important part of getting everything spot on.


A bag of our freshly roasted coffee is a good place to start, but here you'll find everything you need to get the most out of every bean.  A small change to your choice of roast or grind can have a huge impact on the flavour of your  cup o' Joe.

Buy Coffee

Find out where you can get Full Moon buy the bag, or by the cup.

All you need to know about what to expect from our coffees

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