Choose Your Grind
Getting the right grind to suit your brewing method is a vital element to getting the most out of your coffee. One of the easiest ways to vastly improve the quality of the coffee you make is to grind fresh coffee beans with a good quality grinder.
Which grind for which method?

Espresso Machine
Espresso is the least forgiving brewing method so the grounds' particle size must be just the right grind. This allows for a balanced shot to be extracted.
Because getting the right gind varies from machine to machine, we'd recommend getting in touch before buying pre-ground coffee.
Fine Grind

Medium Grind

Filter Coffee
Medium-grind coffee is suitable for lots of brewing styles, including filter, pour-over, cloth brewers, stove-top pot, electric filter-brew, and cold dripper.
You can change to dosage of coffee you use to get the result, and flavour, your prefer.

French Press Brewers
These brewers have no filtration system, so water has time to penetrate the cell structure of coarser ground beans. This helps to dissolve pleasant tasting solubles, while avoiding esxcessive bitterness.
Coarse Grind