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Choosing the right roast
The roasting process is what produces the characteristic flavour of coffee.
At lighter roasts, the coffee will retain more of the flavours created by the origin of the beans. The variety, processing, altitude, soil content and weather in the location where it was grown all play a part in these flavours.
As the beans darken the origin flavours are eclipsed by the flavours created by the roasting process. At darker roasts the roast flavours are so dominant that it can be difficult to recognise the origins of the beans used.
At Full Moon we specialise in three different roasts, Medium, City and French. We can roast to order if you prefer something different.
Medium Roast City Roast French Roast
The full range of roasts we offer, from lightest to darkest are;
Cinnamon Roast
A very light roast, sweetness is underdeveloped. Promminent toasted grain, grassy flavours and sharp acidity prominent.
Light Roast
Moderate lght brown in colour. Highlights the origin characteristics of the beans as well as complex acidity
Medium Roast
Acidic characteristics and sweet flavour. Nut like Colour. An American style roast.
High Roast
The bitter notes become more pronounced than the acidic ones.
City Roast
Originating in New York this roast offers a great balance between origin and roast flavours.
Full City Roast
Bitter characteristics become more assertive.
French Roast
Pronounced bitter notes. A rich unique taste. A very European style
Italian Roast
Strong and bitter, but not acidic. Almost black in colour Good for espresso.

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